The topic which we will be talking about today is
Why did I chose this topic? Well, it is known to some people that I was and still am looking for opportunities. Why did I not utilize the word "Better opportunity" instead of Opportunity - as normally this associates with work/career. Well, until you have been in that "opportunity" you would not know if its a better opportunity right? Some may offer better salary but perhaps a rather inconducive work environment.
Well anyway, I have been sending my CVs and applying online actively for the past few weeks. Why? Well, I would say it will be a good exposure for myself, to get to know what will be the latest trending in the market. The skills, the requirements, the job which is in demand etc. But yes, I do think of leaving my current company seriously. Why? Perhaps, its time for me to move.
Yes, there has been a lot advices given to me pertaining to this move. Some would say stay as getting a job with a better prospect is not easy nowadays. And plus I have been in this environment for sometime now and so it helps. Being in one's own comfort zone and being complacent is definitely an enemy when one is thinking about moving out and on with life. Hence why some say that change may not necessary be for the better. Well, it depends on personal opinion and experience I'd say.
And so I did forward a few resumes to friends as well. I received a call from my former lecturer asking if I would like to join her. It seemed that her boss is looking for a few candidates and she was reminded of me (aww so sweet). I sent my resume and was informed that an interview is required for her boss to meet me. And so I asked if it can be done on Friday as the client will be coming up to KL this week (conversation took place on Monday and client came on Tuesday. Expected to be here till Friday). She informed me that she will check on her boss's availability.
Well back to the title up there. Asked my boss if I can get leave on Friday. He asked why. I told him that I need to go for an interview.
Me: boss are u in?
Boss: yes i am
Me: saya nak mintak HD this friday boleh?
Boss: naper/
Me: i have an interview. i know it sounds weird but i do not wish to lie
Boss: times...honesty can be a little mellow
Me: rezeki tak berkat kalau menipu
even i told the interviewer that i will not be able to leave early
because i have commitment still here
in case i got the job lah
sebab dia ada tanya if two months negotiable
Boss: ok
Me: tapi kalau bukan rezeki saya di sana then i am ok with it too
Boss: ok
Me: i am only left with 5.5 days and 5 days will be utilized to go kinabalu
then i have no more leave so i can not leave teh company just like that kan
Boss: yup
Me: dun wori i dunn the intention to AWOL
not my style
Boss: i know
Sent at 10:19 AM on Tuesday
And so the conversation just ended like that. See, I may be seen as the dumbest person on the face of the earth just by being honest about the reason for me to take leave. Even my comrades shared their concern as well. They even told me to be strong about it.
I don't feel that lying is good especially when it comes to things as such. Why is it so hard to acknowledge that your subordinates wishes to go for an interview. I mean don't you feel happy that your subordinates might be getting a better offer, better position, better career enhancement etc. Well, I guess not. A colleague was asking if I purposely did that to see if I am worth of a value or important to my boss? No No No No...That has never been my intention. Never. I just wanna see if he is
I have repeatedly informed him that I will leave properly when the time comes. I know how it feels when your people left just like that. FYI, none of my team has ever done that but when others do, the work burden is felt on the rest of us :)
So Learning Point of the day:
Should you need to go for an interview, do not ever tell your boss. If he asked what will you be doing on your AL applied? Just say sleeping (well if you were sleeping during any of that 9 hours of supposedly working time, its not considered lying tau).