Sunday, December 23, 2007

Moi a promoter?

Yup, that was the question I asked myself. I have never done this before. And the idea of approaching people? Hmmm that is something to ponder about. Can I? Will I? It all began a few weeks ago when I received a call from my former boss cum colleague from Borders, CT Lai Wah asking me if I would like to do a part time job as a promoter for about 6 weeks in Tesco (yup, though she will forever deny or refuse to answer ; she is now officially with Tesco) Hehehehe, me know already Boss. Well, apparently a company has been appointed to run a subscription promotion for 5 types of Magazine which are National Geographic, National Geographic for Kids, Time, Readers Digest & Harvard Business Review. These are all at a discounted priced that comes with a nice premium gifts I must say.

National Geographic subscription is priced at RM100, for 12 issues (NP is RM14.50/issue) that comes with a free digital camera (basic camera with no memory card but it does come with a cable for you to download your pictures to your PC or laptop once it is full)

National Geographic Kids subscription is RM100 for 10 issues (NP is RM 11.50 if I am not mistaken) that comes with a night scope.

Time subscription is having the best deal ever. 30 issues for RM 113 (NP RM 8.50/issue) that comes with a 256M MP3 player.

Readers Digest subcription is RM138 for 12 issues (NP RM 15.00/issue) that comes with a free wrist watch.

And last but not least, Harvard Business Reviews subscription is RM515 for 12 issues (NP RM85/issue) that comes with a free 4-in-1 USB Pen. Loaded in the USB pen is a 12 unique insight on the leadership & through the subscription you will be able to access their website that is only limited to the subscriber. You will be able to read the latest publication, discussion or seminars that will be posted in their website.

The promotion is for a limited time only, well usually the best offers are within a short period of testing time I guess. I managed to go to work on Saturday. I came in at 12 as promised & Eric has been waiting for me there. Actually, I have arrived slightly earlier, but due to the safety precautions and procedures, I have to run here & there and what's worst is that I was not allowed to bring my hand phone in, which is kinda makes it harder because should I need to do any clarifications, I'll have to run to my vehicle & take my phone. Such a hustle for me. But the best part :) accompanied me on my 1st day. I clumsily left my wallet inside my car, we came by bike. And I asked him if he could take it for me. He agreed even though the fuel tank has shown E for Empty. What happened next? He had to push the bike just right after the LDP toll to my house. So, he went up took a bath and then have a short rest before coming back this time driving instead.

I managed to smile and explained to the customers regarding the products. Well, they are interested to look at the National Geographic maybe because of the Digital Camera, but the moment I mentioned that it is a free gift that comes with the 12 months subscription, they shy away. Laa, we are promoting the magazine not the free gifts. They are interested with the gifts and willing to pay for the gifts but they don't want to subscript the magazines. Hm, konfius kejap. Benar agaknya kata survey, Rakyat Malaysia tidak suka membaca. Take a calculator and see how much you can save. NP for National Geographic is RM14.50 and we are selling 12 issues for RM100! As for the Time Magazine, NP is RM 8.50 and now its RM113 for 30 issues! Isn't that almost 53% discounted? But then again, I think spending RM 100 at one shot is rather too expensive if compared to RM 14.50 each month. At least that's what I thought. And I try to reason to myself that. Well, a mother even asked me why the National Geographic Kids is so much with pictures. Well, since it is for kids you don't expect it to be full of heavy reading stuff as the main National Gographic right?

Hehehe, but I did try my best at delivering the needed information. After lunch, I felt more vibrant and energetic as Ann came with Noelle and with :) by my side I am just so happy and not to mention more excited to proceed with my job. And before I finished for the day I managed to enclosed one sale. Pergh, senyum memanjang tak ingat punya. I was alone that time. Well, I went back at around 8 25pm, after waiting for :) to come up into Tesco. I packed everything and kept it in a safe place much to the help of the Tesco staff which are very friendly and helpful.

I went to Maybank and saw my car. I was happy but it turned mad as soon as I realize that it was empty. Duh, I was tired and where the hell did :) went? I waited in between the alley and in front of Borders. I was wondering why the hell would he wanted to wait in front of Borders anyway? Earlier, I had asked :) to find a parking & come up to see me. Since I am considering myself as being handicapped. I can't bring my phone with me & I have nothing with me, no ID, no money, no handphone....No nothing. Well, after what seems to be almost eternity then I found him walking towards Maybank & I followed :) from behind. :) saw me and smile. I saw :) and my temper tantrum just came rushing in my blood veins.

I am very bad at controlling my temper as I had actually raised my voice at him. I know its very bad of me considering that he had waited for me for one whole day beside. When I thought of that I kept quiet and reasoned with myself before I smile and then we went for dinner. Phew, anger management lesson for me :)

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