Well, if you readers don't mind I'd like to write in English today. Thank you. After work, I went to BTC yesterday. Met up with Kak Iza & Ah Lai. Ah Lai was still in bandage on her left cheek & left arm. But still as talkative & jovial as ever. As we were ready to go for dinner at McDonalds, Zarrin stopped me at the cash register & asked me about my job & the former colleagues who have resigned to join me in the new company I am in currently. Hm, what's the job description like, how's the pay, what are the benefits, how do I travel etc. Well, he kinda looks interested. I kept on giving description of my work until he mentioned "I got promoted to Supervisor starting 1st January 2008". Congrats! I was so happy for him, if he weren't in the register area I would have hugged him proudly hehehehe.
Who is Zarrin to me? Well, I got to know that he is the 1st cousin to the KRU siblings. KRU the singers/rappers (well, I guess age is catching up so no more rapping for them huh?) He is very tall with the English-mix looks. I think about 1.8metres. There was a time when we are waiting for replacement guards from a new company, when the former was terminated. During that period of a week or two (I can't remember) we took turn to "guard" the store. It was during his time that I was placed at the Cash Register. Some Chinese girls actually went up to him to check out if the was a maniqueen. When Zarrin blinked his eyes, they got the surprised and cheekily told him "Oh I thought you were a maniqueen". I had my share of laughter during the incident. Once during the "checking out the guy" by the Chinese girls and the other when he related the story to me. Before that let me tell you something. Zarrin, though with his good looks, is definitely not the average vain type I-am-so-darn-handsome kinda guy next door. When I first worked in BTC, he rarely opened his mouth, not even a smile mind you. He can look at you yet doesn't see you at the same time. It was just so hard to get him to talk, to hear his voice. But nevertheless, I never gave up. Every day I would smile to him and say Good Morning or Good Afternoon or merely a simple hello. Why? Just to hear him replied back or to see him smile and raising his eyebrows acknowledging me, hehehe. I guess it works. I know he is not the snobbish type just that he is not really that talkative & plus I guess he misses his friend from BTS. He was originally in BTS before he was transferred to BTC, to help the new store. But eventually, he stayed here in BTC, though I am not sure whether it is out of his liking to the place or because he had to. Whatever the reason is, I am just glad he did because otherwise I would never had the chance to get to know Zarrin Fenner. After quite a while, we can see that he is slowingly adapting to our hurrah hurrah kinda style. He starts to hang out with us during breaktime at Mamak (though at first he was still busy texting his cell phone). Slowly he started talking and chit chatting and us and finally LAUGHING with us. Hey, wait a minute; a bigger deal was that he started making jokes to & about us. The 1st time he made a joke, we were stunned and after awhile, I blurted it out loud "Fuyyoh, Zarrin buat lawak tu." That was enough to embarass him, but he never shied away from us. That was Zarrin in the changing process.
There was one time that there was no one to assist him in the Sort Room (he was the inventory guy here in BTC). He did everything by himself, scanning in books received, scanning books out for return, receiving magazines returning magazines, recovery the magazines in the shelves etc. It was a pretty hectic time for him. I felt that the least company can do is to give him a raise if not a promotion. My manager used to say, here there are 3 types of situation whereby you can get promoted a) someone resigned b) a new store opened & c) someone died. Quite a ridiculous policy here. You need to wait at least a year before getting a promotion or a raise. Raise can only be upon promotion. And when there's opening they'd rather hire outsiders than open for inner interviews. Zarrin is the fastest promotions so far in history. He got promoted to Assistant Supervisor 1st of May 2007, and after 7 months he will be Supervisor effectively 1st of January 2008. There are some things which he has shared but I can't state it here though. Its purely hati ke hati kinda talk.
Yes, to the envy of some longer serving people, of course they will be back talk. Nature, nama pun manusia. A person had already told Kak Iza & Ah Lai, "But Zarrin's promotion will only be effective 1st January 2008. Much to my calculation it is only 3 days away. Yeah, we (me, Ah Lai & Kak Iza remembered when Zarrin 1st got promoted to Assistant Supervisor. I made a joke to him, saying "Lets now page fo Supervisor Zarrin". And again this person (yup the same person) said, "Technically he's not yet the Supervisor. He is the Assistant Supervisor". What's this Person's problem? I don't know. Perhaps coz, this person had to wait about 2 years before getting the to the promotion part I guess. But face it lah, this person no more entering the section anymore, let alone helping us out. I never seen it done anyway. This person will check here check there the outer part & no more touching aka hands on on anything anymore. Matilah kami ni haa. Being appointed as the head is something. But becoming a leader is another thing. Maybe one should stop focussing on how wreck and bad one life is & start considering others too. As a human being and not merely another staff that can be ordered to do this and that. If you don't show a good example how can one look up at you. You don't show respect to others how can you expect to get one. You don't show your gratitude how can one appreciate you. Think about it. You need not to suck up *** 24-7 but if you are sincere it will definitely be shown. Think about it. Definitely just by taking credits upon what has been done by others won't last you that long. And once it had been told, what can be done? More self defence statement? More cover ups to explain to people why during that time you are not fit enough or compatible enough to perform that duty. Then, can you blame people if they don't trust you, lack of respect towards you. Think about it. Thoughts for the day my dear readers.
macam pernah ku dengar cerita ini tapi dimana ya???
macam pernah ku dengar cerita ini tapi dimana ya?? :}
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