Sunday, March 9, 2008

Office Politics

Hm, I don't really remember the exact date when I actually knew the politic thingy that happened in the office. All I remember was it was on a Saturday morning and after the morning's briefing I went to the "Kids Heaven" to do my work as usual. Then as the store almost opened, a staff asked me "Akak dah dengar cerita pasal Sang Kancil?" "Which one?" I asked. I do know there's a few stories in regards with the Malacca's mascot. The staff looked at me puzzled. "Cerita Sang Kancil?""Yelah, yang mana satu? Kan ker banyak cerita Sang Kancil?"I asked again. "Oh, akak tak tahu ker? Tak tahu takperlah. Ingatkan akak dah tahu. Tak mahulah cerita." Ok, this I don't like. A half way story which left me clueless. So, I asked her again whats its all about. The staff hesitated before proceeding with the story (after I "pujuk" her slowly to share the story with me). Well here it goes-----

"Kami ada buat karangan dalam folder kak. Kami namakan Sang Kancil. Bendanya macam sambung sambung ayat jadikan ceritalah. Cerita pasal macam macam segala apa pun lah, banyaknya pasal benda dalam store lah."

"Simpan dalam folder?", I asked. The staff nodded. Hm, such an un-wise move, don't you agree?

"Tapi entah macam mana Boss boleh dapat tahu'" the staff continued.

"La, dah simpannya pun dalam PC store memanglah dia boleh tahu. Korang pun agak agaklah kan?" I said. Obviously if you are saving something inside the PC which is accessible to everyone, its not a miracle if the Boss managed to find it.

"Tapi kami dah delete benda tu sehari sebelum Boss masuk kerja."

"And you think that management could not find a way to detect it?"

"Boleh detect ker benda dah delete kak?"

"Entah yea, akak pun tak tahu sebenarnya. Tapi from what I heard; you can trace the things from the deletion bin. Tak tahulah betul ker tidak." The staff just nodded. What happen next?"I asked.

"Kami kena panggil beramai ramai kak. Mengadap lah kena tegur Boss. Tapi yang agak kecik hati tu, macam kami ni tak buat kerja langsung. yang sorang tu di puji puji yang lain di tegur teruk. Mana boleh macam itu. Sya ni tiap tiap pagi meng"alpha" tempat saya, tapi de"generalize"kan tak buat kerja. Saya faham lah yang sorang tu memang di puji tapi dalam Islam pun ada kata seorang ibu kalau nak puji anak dia kena secara personal supaya anak yang lain tidak kecil hati". I just smiled.

"Well, dia pun bukan ibu kita kan? Tak semua orang pun tahu konsep tu. Seeloknya biar tegur dan puji secara general. Kalau ada rasa nak tegur atau puji secara perseorangan, seeloknya biar disediakan teguran & pujian untuk setiap individu yang terlibat dengan perjumpaan itu. Supaya takder yang terasa hati. Tidaklah nampak sangat seolah olah kita melebihkan orang yang tertentu. Itu pendapat akaklah kan. Tapi still akak rasa memang korang salahlah. Salah konsep nak mengumpat & mengutuk. Kenapa mesti nak tulis dan tinggalkan dalam folder? Kenapa biarkan diri korang terlalu vulnerable. Memang macam korang sengaja nak biarkan diri kena marah. Saja biar orang cari peluang untuk mencari salah korang. Dah tahu selalunya orang beranggapan yang di atas tak sesibuk di bawah, you guys kena selalu make your place better or perfect. Tak mahu senggang senggang sangat."

What more can I say? I am not supposed to side with any party here. I remembered Big Boss's advise- come to work, be happy then go back happily. Don't get involved with the office politics. Why? Because it seems there are some people who enjoys twisting my words to their advantage. Not saying anyone but Big Boss did remind me that it had happen, so I should be extra careful with what I say and to whom I say it.

Later when more staffs came in, I heard more "Luahan Hati". Too many that it can by itself turn into a novel plot. Interested to know? Cheh, I knew it. People sure like to listen and take part in gossips huh? How shall I begin, seems like everyone is voicing their dissatisfaction. But I think its because they trusted me..or because they know that I may as blunt as telling these people off. Hmm I am not really sure about that. But I do know that as a senior staff I need to calm them down and try to knock some senses in these younger generations.

So far my slow talk seemed to be able to calm them down and make them think about the rationale of doing things...and not get caught doing it. Simple mantra of mine "Please everyone and you please no one". So kids, its ok to have make a blunder and learn from it ok :)

As a lesson learn, avoid office politics and be careful. Take care of yourself, especially yourself dear people :)

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